Trauma und Dissoziation • Ein Angebot von S.P.ORG.-Consulting e.V.

Trauma und Dissoziation
Ein Angebot von S.P.ORG.-Consulting e.V.



Vielfalt e.V.



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- Can the press break the silence?
Ulla Fröhling

European Conference Child abduction and abuse in the European Union: problems and solutions
Europäisches Parlament Brüssel, 15 - 16. Oktober 1998
Konferenz „Menschenhandel, Entführungen und Kindesmißbrauch“ in der Europäischen Union: Probleme und Lösungen
Runder Tisch 3

„Can the press break the silence?“ - Teil 1weiter

Referat Ulla Fröhling

We are discussing the question: „Can the press break the silence?“ But my question is: Does the press want to break the silence? Does it really want to speak about ‘unspeakable things’? Is it ally or enemy in the fight against organised child abuse, abduction and murder? I have severe doubts about the German press for the time being. I call it the Dissociated Press.

As a journalist I have always seen my duty in watching not only the events but also the words in which they are being discussed - or not being talked about at all.

Child abuse is a taboo. Not the crime. That is being committed every day. All over the world. The taboo lies on perceiving the crime and putting it into words.

We just had a trial against a man who assaulted his daughter and fathered five of his own grandchildren. The village knew and kept silent about it, but when the daughter spoke up, nobody talked to her anymore.

Speaking about tabooed subjects first of all means finding words people are willing to listen to. Words that don’t make them turn away.

I think I am here today because I found words that could be listened to when I wrote a book about the life of a ritually - let’s say - sadistically abused woman who grew up in a distinguished banker’s family. And in hell.

The book, I called it „Vater unser in der Hölle - Our Father which art in hell“, has been described as „the first in-depth German study of a DID patient with a background of severe home abuse, child prostitution, and sadistic ritual abuse“. It was hard work getting it published at all. I had to change publishers twice.
